From Patchy To Pristine: The Best Grass Seed For Monmouth County, NJ

When it comes to achieving a lush and beautiful lawn in Monmouth County, NJ, understanding the local climate and soil conditions is crucial. The region experiences a humid subtropical climate, with hot summers and cool winters. This means that the grass seed you choose should be able to thrive in these weather conditions. Additionally, Monmouth County’s soil composition varies across different areas.

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Should You Dethatch St. Augustine Grass?

Dethatching is a lawn care practice that involves removing the layer of dead grass, roots, and debris known as thatch from the surface of your grass. While a small amount of thatch can be beneficial for providing insulation and protecting the soil, an excessive buildup can hinder the health and growth of your lawn.

For St. Augustine grass, understanding dethatching is crucial to maintaining its lush appearance and overall well-being.

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